In April we celebrated Asher Dean's first birthday as he continues his reign as the center of our universe. Brendan returned from his mission to Japan in June. We all had a fabulous vacation at Panama City beach for a week in July. In August, Shari, Clark, Brendan and Kendall went to see the Broadway musical, Wicked. Shari , Clark and Brendan drove out to Brigham Young University at the start of his fall semester. Now we are all looking forward to spending Christmas together here in Alabama.
After over three years of serving as our ward's Young Women's President, Shari was released in July and immediately called as the Ward Activities Committee Chairman. She also continued her annual work on the Stake Christmas Festival, creating a wonderful, new wise-men tent, complete with a star chart.
Clark is still working for Boeing (25 years). He loves his job and his calling: Pack 676 Cub Master. Clark is especially enjoying having Brendan in town to do a lot heavy lifting around the house that has been waiting for him.
Kimberly and her family are doing really well. For the latest on their family's happenings, please visit her blog.
Brendan loved his mission in Japan, where he found a lot of joy teaching the gospel. He extended the end of his mission by six weeks, arriving home on June 25th. He misses Japan and wishes his dad could remember more than a few words of Japanese. He is now a sophomore at BYU and plans to major in accounting with his eye on a JD MBA degree from the University of Texas. He is dating a gorgeous young woman from our ward who was one of Shari's Laurels. She is also attending BYU.
Kendall has grown into a strikingly beautiful sixteen year old. After completing the requirements for her Young Women's Medallion, she got her license, and hopes to someday have a car. In April, she sang, danced, and served as choreographer in her high school's musical, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. She will be fulfilling the same role this coming April in Guys and Dolls. She also took Advanced Art and discovered a love for painting. Kendall continues to do well in school and is a joy to her parents.
The Kingsford family wishes y'all a very Merry Christmas and a Blessed 2011!