Monday, April 21, 2008

Square Foot Gardening

Clark and I are putting in a new veggie garden in the back yard. We are following the new square foot gardening method. This garden requires a small fence around it to keep out the bunnies and our ol' yellow dog, Merritt. The fence posts are in! We are copying Alisha's idea of using pallet wood for the pickets. It will save a lot of money and it is environmentally friendly. The boxes are in and I am planting today! We plan to grow tomatoes, orange peppers, serrano peppers, green beans, herbs, cantaloupe, yellow squash, strawberries, sunflowers and cutting flowers. It should be a yummy summer!!!

Clark working really hard!

the posts are in.


Anonymous said...

You and your hubby never cease to amaze me with all the things you get done and the great ideas that look great when they are done!

You should be proud of me...we have a garden in, despite my going to school! :) It's 2 little 3 by 5 areas with a chicken wire fence around it, but it's good enough for us this year! But next year...I have HUGE plans!

Lisha said...

It'll be amazing... I glad to read about the progress and see pictures! Let me know how your cantaloupe does.

Kim Mayfield said...

You've made such great progress in your back yard! I know that this is something that you have been working very hard on, and it will be so great when you have it all done!! We will have to have a Laurel activity in the late summer and help you pick veggies!!

Dawn, said...

Shawn will be working hard on the very same thing... but we missed out this spring. I think his new plan it to get it all organized this fall and be ready for spring09 planting instead. I have referred him to Alisha for all his questions though... I am clueless with THIS type of gardening.

Kimberly Cone said...

Dang that thing is huge! I didn't know it was going to be that big. Sounds like ya'll are going to grow a lot of yummy food. Good thing, with food prices so high.