A few months ago I promised Kendall and her friends that we would throw a Halloween party this year. Kendall and I had grand plans for a Coraline theme. We wanted to make the house have wompy furniture, spiders and buttons everywhere. What we ended up with is some hints of Coraline and a really great party!
It wasn't until well after Kendall had handed out her handmade invitations that I realized it was Stake Conference weekend. OOPS.
On Tuesday I was hit with a really bad flu that progressed into Bronchitis. I went to bed Monday night and I pretty much stayed there until Saturday morning.
Kendall, Clark, Kimberly, Austin and Kendall's amazing friends: Stephanie, Anna and Cassie took what we had and prepared for the party on Saturday while I sat on the couch and "helped"
I wish all parties were this easy for me.
We had about 40 young people show up and they rocked on from 7pm to 11pm
I love young people!